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At Clehonger Primary, we encourage our pupils to complete homework as this can reinforce a child’s learning in the classroom. 

Homework tasks must have a clear relationship to classroom activity. They should be set to match the time available and the abilities of the pupils, including those with special educational needs. 


Homework in the Early Years 

  • The homework for Early Years should consist of reading with children and sharing books and taking children to places of interest and talking with them to extend their vocabulary. 

  • Preparing for ‘Show-and-Tell’ activities. This may mean rehearsing what to say or crafting.  

  • RWInc Phonics. Children will be asked to revise new sounds, practise writing these, and read books independently to match their new knowledge.  


Homework in Key Stage 1 and 2 

  • The children should take home reading books to read and diaries to record responses, every night. The diary book (reading record) is provided so that information can be shared between the parents and class teacher.  

  • The children will have a weekly spelling list to practise, and Spelling Tests are held on Fridays. We use Spelling Shed to initially assess, teach, and test the children. This App can be accessed at home as well as in school. Staff are able to check in on how often the children are accessing the app. There is also activities shared on our school website to help you help your child to learn these spellings.  

  • Froggy Maths takes place every Friday. This is an initiative that encourages children to have faster recall of number facts. It starts from Year 1 all the way through to Year 6. The programme starts with the 5 club and goes through the 99 club, and for the more able; Superstars Division, Superstars Fractions, Superstars Squares and Square Roots! The club must be completed with 5 minutes. You can help your child at home by practising fast recall of number facts. Club sheets are shared on the school website.  

  • We also use TTRockstars to help children with faster recall of the times tables. This proves invaluable when it comes to the Year 4 Nation Multiplication Check. Children begin in Year 1. Tables can be set by the class teacher, so your children is accessing a suitable level. 

  • From time-to-time, as children move through the classes, the children may bring home another activity relevant to the curriculum and matched to the child’s ability, e.g. drawing their favourite character, or part in a book, a book review, sentences or story work; making a collection of items related to a particular topic, observing features in the environment, topic research. maths work. 

  • For Years 5 & 6, children will be expected to complete practise SATs papers, as well as completing unfinished classwork. 


Please speak to your class teacher for support with logins for TTRockstars and Spelling Shed. Should you feel that your child needs more support with reading, or more of a challenge, please also let us know. 


In School, we have a Leaderboard, that displays the top 5 leaders in TTRockstars, Spelling Shed and Froggy Maths

Parent Survey: Overall we love the school…great school…very helpful in supporting my child… My children are extremely happy … All staff are so friendly and approachable…Clehonger really is a brilliant school…

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