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Sweatshirt & Cardigans              Red (with or without school logo)

Polo shirt                                     White (short sleeved with or without school logo)

Shirts/Blouses                             White

Trousers                                      Grey school uniform style

Skirts                                           Grey school uniform style

Dresses                                       Red and white checked or striped

PE T-shirt                                    Red (plain or with school logo)

PE Shorts                                    Black

PE Outdoor Kit                            Black tracksuit bottoms, red school hoody, outdoor                                                      trainers

Shoes                                         Black school shoes (not trainers)

We feel that shoes are a very important part of the school uniform and discourage the wearing of trainers.



School uniform can be purchased from the following website:

Clehonger CofE Primary School (School Uniform) – My Clothing


or from the School Uniform Shop in Hereford city centre

School Uniform Shop, St Peters Street, High Town, Hereford HR1 2LE

Tel: (01432) 340720


Little Gems and School Tops and Hoodies can be purchased from:

Sarah Murrin - T/A Horse & Jockey Ltd

Unit 4, Old Forge Industrial Estate, Peterchurch, Hereford HR2 0SD

Tel: 07774457887

Parent Survey: Overall we love the school…great school…very helpful in supporting my child… My children are extremely happy … All staff are so friendly and approachable…Clehonger really is a brilliant school…

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