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Support for Parents

Herefordshire SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS)

SENDIAS provides free information, advice and support to parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and to young people with SEND up to the age of 25. They offer an impartial, confidential and supportive service, separate from the school or the local authority, covering educational matters, social care and health entitlements, to help you play an active role in planning for your son or daughter’s future. In particular they can:

  • Advise you on what you should expect from statutory services and other agencies. This is especially important at key transition stages, for example, moving from primary education to secondary education or college.
  • Offer help to parents/carers if an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) Assessment is required or if you have been notified by the local authority that they are going to change your/your son or daughter’s current Statement of Educational Needs to an EHC Plan. Their legally trained staff can help and support you through this process free of charge.
  • Meet to discuss the assessment process, to listen carefully to your/your son or daughter’s needs and their hopes for their future and to help you understand what entitlements you may access and help you to identify a range of options for your/your son or daughter’s future.
  • Support you at school and other meetings to make sure your views or those of your son/daughter are understood.
  • Help you to complete forms or write letters and support you with local authority services and other agencies


The SENDIAS Team can be contacted on (01432) 260955 or you can email them at Their address is: Herefordshire SENDIAS, Franklin House, 4 Commercial Road, Hereford, HR1 2BB

Please visit Herefordshire SENDIAS website for more information.

Herefordshire Parent Carers Support

Being a parent caring for a child with disabilities and/or special needs can be very rewarding but even when you willingly take on the task it’s still hard work. You may have times when there is too much to do; not enough money; no social life or time for yourself and not enough for sleep or relaxation. Anyone who provides care and support to a child under 18 who is ill, has a disability or any additional needs is a Parent Carer and Herefordshire Parent Carers Support offers a wide range of help, advice and support specifically targeted to meet the needs of Parent Carers. By registering with the service you will meet people with similar challenges and also strengthen the Herefordshire parents Carer Voice – a forum of Parent Carers who contribute to the planning of future services in Herefordshire.

Herefordshire Parent Carers Support also provides:

  • Access to a Parent Carer Support Worker
  • A regular newsletter
  • A telephone information line – 01432 356068
  • Access to Parent Carer Group meetings
  • Parent Carer Support Group Leaflet
  • Have your say at the Herefordshire
  • Parent Carer Voice Forum
  • Parent Connect – befriending service
  • Social outings and events (including their very popular pamper days)
  • Signposting to a wide variety of other services


Please visit Herefordshire Carers Support website for more information on the services they can provide or to register as a Parent Carer.

WISH Wellbeing, Information and Signposting for Herefordshire

WISH is a directory of services for families in Herefordshire, offering information on a wide variety of subjects including: Children and families; Keeping well and staying healthy; Things to do and latest news; Looking after someone; Keeping safe; Learning, work and volunteering; Money and legal matters; Housing and accommodation; Transport, travel and mobility Equipment, adaptation and technology and a link to the Local Offer for Special Educational Needs.

To explore the directory, go to WISH Herefordshire website for more information.

Parent Survey: Overall we love the school…great school…very helpful in supporting my child… My children are extremely happy … All staff are so friendly and approachable…Clehonger really is a brilliant school…

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